Monday 26 February 2018

Science "Eggsperiment" Results

After observing the eggs for several weeks, we were able to see the affects that some liquids have on our teeth.

As you can see, there were many changes to the egg shells with some changing drastically! Can you see which liquids are the most harmful to our teeth?

We looked back at our predictions and some were correct whilst other results shocked us.
In 4M, we didn't think that the Orange juice would be bad for the enamel on our teeth because we thought oranges (fruit) were always good for us.
 We researched and found out that it is the acid in the orange juice, along with sugars added for flavour, that can erode away our teeth and cause harmful cavities! 

From our results, we concluded that we need to drink less sugary, acidic drinks and more water or Milk. We had an "eggcellent" time carrying out this experiment and have learnt life-long lessons about caring for our teeth! 

Friday 16 February 2018

What Friendship Means to us

As part of our house events day, we were given the task of creating something visual to represent friendship and what it means to us. As friendship is so important to us at Welford we had some fantastic ideas and could easily work as a team.

We worked in our House Teams to design the posters. Take a look at what we've come up with.

What do you think about our ideas? Have we missed anything off?